High End Beauty and Makeup Editing

If you’ve been around any of the Southeast Asian airports recently, you might have stumbled upon our work in the latest edition of the Air Asia Inflight Magazine 360, The Japanese Connection. We knew AirAsia needed the photo, but we didn’t know it would make it to the cover!
On a trip recently for some photo shoot and design assignments in Bali, our creative director Rebecca was pleasantly surprised to see entire airports filled with her photo. Well, it wasn’t a photo of her, but a photo she conceptualized, hand painted with the help of another makeup artist, and retouched with the Paper Boat Creative team.

The idea spawned from the idea of cross cultures, identity and hidden identity. It was part of a larger body of face painting work where Rebecca got people from other ethnicities to pose for countries they didn’t really have a connection to, but one that people would assume they did. And point proven: the model here wasn’t even Japanse, not at all.
Model Junia Djojonegoro (@juniadj)
Graciously sat with the Paper Boat team for a couple hours while we smothered many layers of paint on her face and hair. Even her ears and the inside of her nose were painted white.
Now, Guess where she’s from? Indonesia, but not really, London! Confusing? Yes! Like so many of us! It’s so wonderful to see the purpose of the shoot actually published in large scale.